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  • 娱乐
  • 2024-12-21
  • 28
  • 更新:2024-12-21 18:39:53


  平懋资根、马飞龙、傲然、唐伯虎、何莫邪、爱美丽、钱多多……起一个充满中国色彩的名字是许多外国人来到中国的第一步。老外们起这些中国名字,都有特别的寓意,有对中国文化的喜爱,有对美好生活的期待,对人生梦想的追求。一个中国名字,不仅仅只是身份符号,更是他们与中国故事的起点。 Ping Mao Zi Gen, Ma Fei Long, Ao Ran, Tang Bo Hu, He Mo Ye, Ai Mei Li, Qian Duo Duo... A name brimming with Chinese essence marks the first step for foreigners when they come to China. These names carry unique significance—a love for Chinese culture, a longing for a better life, and a pursuit of dreams. A Chinese name is not just a symbol of identity, but also the starting point of their connection with Chinese stories.   制作单位:湖北长江云新媒体集团